Concert Notes 2019/20

From our Musical Director, Jonathan Willcocks It is sunny and warm, England’s cricketers are playing Australia for the Ashes and so it must be time to think ahead to the depths of winter, when we will be at the heart of The Chichester Singers” 2019-2020 season. But you won’t have to wait that long to […]

Concert Notes 2018-19

From our Musical Director, Jonathan Willcocks It always happens!  I find myself at the height of (a very hot) summer contemplating concerts that will for the most part come to fruition in various stages of depth of winter. And yet again I find myself sensing in advance the warmth that will emanate from The Chichester […]

Concert Notes 2017-18

Another year of fantastic concerts has come and gone, encompassing established classical and romantic works by major composers, the first performance of a newly-commissioned work by Peter White, a terrific tour to Spain and culminating in the huge fun that we had with jazz and spiritual musical idioms (as well as singing unaccompanied Whitacre) in […]

Concert Notes 2016-17

For us all there are familiar landmarks that herald the passing seasons (tinsel appearing in shops as Christmas approaches, supermarkets desperately flogging off over-stocked chocolate eggs when Easter has just gone by etc etc) and for me I always know that it is early August when Jill starts pestering me for an article about the […]